Thursday, March 10, 2011

Academic Technological Dependence

               Today’s way of receiving education has changed significantly as technology began to advance over the years. What is the connection between education and technology you ask? Well, there are a few causes of this dependency. One of the main causes that colleges and universities began to depend on the use of technology was to get more enrollment. Most colleges are now offering online courses that people can take anytime and anywhere. Because of this more adults are now beginning to enroll at online colleges or just take online courses at a normal campus. Adult students can take their courses and still be able to work full-time at their jobs. The reliance on technology has actually benefited both sides in regards to universities and its students. Colleges are able to enroll twice as many students, and bring in more tuition money with the help of their online servers. Students can take classes anytime they want and work around their own schedule.
           Another cause of the dependency is that it is a lot more efficient to use technology rather than do everything in person. Before technology played a significant role in education teachers graded by hand, and had to have a lecture prepared every class. However, now that they use technology students take their tests on a Scantron sheet making grading a lot easier on the professor. Also, this use of technology bred hybrid classes where students would go to class once a week, and then have discussions online about various topics. Using technology really is a lot more efficient because students and professors can work around there own schedule.
          Even Drexel has become dependent on technology as we have hybrid classes and multiple choice tests are given on scantron sheets. The hybrid classes definetly helps with time management when it comes to scheduling other classes. The reasoning for this is because most of the class deals with online work. Also when it comes to homework assignments most courses have an online website with assignments, such as wiley, owl, webassign, and etc. The dependence on technology in the sense of education is necessarily not a bad thing to have it benefits both sides. 

Works Cited

Smeaton, George. A Collection of Articles on Hybrid Course Delivery. Google Scholar. Web. 9 Mar. 
 2011.     utm_medium=proglist&utm_source=proglist

More On Social Technology Dependence

The effects of this social technological dependence, however, are much more numerous and diverse than the causes, and most are negative. The first major effect is that people are becoming "addicted" to some of this technology, such as networking sites and texting. People are becoming involved in much less personal communication as well. Lastly, sending text messages by those driving vehicles, has proven very problematic and lethal in many cases.

First, dependency has led to addiction to this social media, according to an article written by Walden Siew. Students who are "addicted" to this technology show symptoms close to those of other addictions, such as alcohol and drugs (Siew). The students involved in a study explained how they hated losing their electronic connections (Siew). Today's students are developing unhealthy addictions to this technology, which may prove problematic for the future, and the fact that they experience "withdrawal symptoms" seems especially troubling. Now that this problematic effect is identified, more should be done to combat this "technological addiction."

Also, more and more people are becoming involved with less personal communication with one another, which can be seen as a deficiency of character. Many people (especially youth) would rather send a text message or a Facebook message than make an actual phone call or talk to someone in person. They will not develop the necessary communication skills that they will need for the future, such as interviewing for a job, interacting with superiors, etc.

Lastly, with so many people being hooked on texting, many have started to carry that habit over to when they are driving a vehicle. This practice is known to be very dangerous, and there are number studies that have proven this. Texting while driving is considered by some to be considered more hazardous than driving while intoxicated. This practice has led to many deaths and injuries across the country. In Wyoming and Georgia, laws were passed to stop drivers from texting, where violators would be fined $75 dollars for the offense (Two States Ban). Governments are beginning to recognize the troublesome situation and are taking measures to counter it.

Works Cited

Siew, Walden. "Students suffer withdrawal when they can't text or surf, study shows."  The Gazette 26 April 2010. Web. 7 March 2011.
"Two States Ban Texting while Driving." Transport Topics.3907 (2010): A12. ProQuest. Web. 9 Mar. 2011.

Social Technology Dependence

Another aspect of today's reliance on technology is in a social context. People are beginning to rely on technology much more to meet their social and communication needs. From sending e-mails and text messages to using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. More people are starting to depend on these as a main source of communication, and this has began to seriously impact the lives of people, especially the youth. There are several apparent causes to this technological social issue, and the effects that it has had on today's society are even greater. To start, this problem is very noticeable in today's society. Social technology and social media that are very commonplace today are the social networking sites such as Facebook, as well as sending text messages, using VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) such as Skype, and sending e-mail messages. It is very rare to go somewhere without seeing others talking on cell phones, burying their faces in phones while sending a message, or skimming their Facebook Newsfeed. As mentioned above, there are a few apparent causes that have led to the dependence on technology to meet social needs, and they are all related in one way or another. 

           The first cause is the quick advancement of technology of the time. There is rapid development of new tools and existing ones are incessantly being updated to enhance them further (Hogan and Quan-Haase). Along with our endless technological progress, technology is finding new uses every day, such as Internet networking (Lukes). With all the advances in technology, they are also becoming more available for everyday people to use, and these people are becoming more accustomed to the tech. According to Lukes, "For most individuals, the Internet is no longer the curious phenomenon it may have been in 1990." As time goes on, more advances are made, and these advances are made available to general public. People adapt, and make these advancements parts of their everyday lives, and then they have difficulty living without them. Social networking is becoming a "cultural norm" for many, and no longer only for "computer geeks." Cell phone capabilities are changing and becoming more advanced due to wireless communications, and therefore making a phone call has become much easier due to wireless devices. (Browne). The available technology has become a convenience for everyone, and this convenience leads to other causes of the problems to be discussed.

            Also, distance is another factor that contributes to this reliance on technology, which is affected by availability and convenience. With so many long distance relationships being established today, this technology is being used to maintain these relationships. This goes hand in hand with people's need or desire to stay connected with others, which can be considered another cause of the dependence. According to Browne, users of networking sites enjoy the ability to stay in touch with their family and friends. In an article, the director of global consumer marketing for Docker's feels she needs to constantly stay connected (China Daily). Students strong desires to keep in touch with others through technology can be seen in the fact that they compare not having such connections to going without their family or friends (Siew). Many today constantly feel they need to be connected, and even though distance causes separations, this can be overcome with the convenience of the technology that is available to us today.

Works Cited
Browne, Jack. "Of Technology and Social Need." Microwaves & RF 49.4 (2010): 17. ProQuest. Web. 9 Mar. 2011.
Hogan, Bernie, and Quan-Haase Anabel. "Persistence and Change in Social Media." Bulletin of Science, Technology, & Society (2010): 309-15. Web. 9 Mar 2011.
Lukes, Christine A. "Social Media." AAOHN Journal 58.10 (2010): 415. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. Web. 9 Mar. 2011.
Siew, Walden. "Students suffer withdrawal when they can't text or surf, study shows." The Gazette 26 April 2010. Web. 7 March 2011.
"Who's Boss, You or Your Gadget?." China Daily 27 February 2011: n. pag. Web. 7 Mar 2011.

Military Dependence on Technology Continued

Technology though isn’t the savior of the military, because it ends up being the weak link on the battlefield. A program started in the early 2000’s was the land warrior system that allowed for instant transfer of information of enemy and friendly positions, it was at first what seemed like a god send to higher command. Individual soldiers now had the ability to communicate with each other providing fluidity to the battle never would squads have to stop and weight to find out were other friendlies were they could always remain in motion; except details were forgotten when the system was developed and tested on the battlefield.
The first thing that was forgotten was weight, the land warrior system which not only had batteries strapped to the back of the soldier but cameras mounted to the gun and an eye piece which flipped over the eye. Combat troops would grow tired trying to carry the system around with the armor and molly vest, leading them to become ineffectively quickly, without even carrying   assault packs. Then of course came problems with camouflage a soldiers greatest strength is surprised which was never achieved in the land warrior system, because there was no way to camouflage it in the forest or the desert it painted large targets on the men carrying them who were now open to enemy fire.

Yet the land warrior system isn’t the only dependence we have put on technology, others exist that leave us weak to foreign powers. For instance the chipboards used to carry information are weak and easy to cripple with a simple EMP. One large blast would cripple our computer systems and tanks leaving them worthless. Planes would plummet out of the sky as the computer systems used to power them would fail. Yet that’s just the worst case scenario, when the reality that happens now is so much scarier. Our computer chips responsible for controlling planes, tanks, and battleships can and do occasionally fail due to quality control that leave them crippled. Our national defense security systems are always under attack from foreign hackers and if they ever crack in they would decrypt our files. This would show the entire hand, every weakness, battle plan and technological systems could be accessed and used to cripple the entire military. Plus there always the existence of the human threat that use technology to expose any secrets they can get a hold of and dump them on to sites such as wiki leaks that share this information with the world which endangers the life of our troops and security of the United States.

Works Cited
Coburn, Davin. "Land Warrior System: Inside the Pentagon's New High-Tech Gear - Popular Mechanics." Automotive Care, Home Improvement, Tools, DIY Tips - Popular Mechanics. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"FRONTLINE: College, Inc.: Watch the Full Program Online | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"M1A1 / M1A2 Abrams - Main Battle Tank." Army Technology. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

Shachtman, Noah. "The Army's New Land Warrior Gear: Why Soldiers Don't Like It - Popular Mechanics." Automotive Care, Home Improvement, Tools, DIY Tips - Popular Mechanics. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"Taking Aim at Military Technology." Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"The Phoney Chips That Could Cripple Military Tech - Tech - 07 December 2010 - New Scientist." Science News and Science Jobs from New Scientist - New Scientist. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

Military Dependence on Technology

The United States Military is the most elite and advanced fighting force on the planet. The elite status however comes not just through the flesh and blood soldiers that populate the battlefield but through the technological advances that we have made. The technological advancement protects our soldiers with smart weaponry, which can be carried with them into the thick of the fight. Stinger missiles able to track the heat signature of a helicopter can be carried by a single man onto the battle field to take out enemy helicopters that threaten his fellow team members. New and improved jets such as the F-22 can take out all enemy power even when out gunned 5-1 thanks to the ability of stealth technology that helps cover them up from radar, or the new and improved targeting computers that exist on board.

Technology isn’t just for attack either; new technology has helped to create better armor from tanks to the armor of a single solider. The M1 Abrams not only uses depleted uranium in its munitions but thanks to technology it’s now used in its armor creating a safer tank that can take hit after hit without killing the crew. Technology has also been able to allow tanks to communicate with each other, with advance global positioning systems live battle information is downloaded insentiently to the tank allowing each to know were friendly tanks, and troops are located so they can better pursue enemy combatants without endangering friendlies. 

Yet for the common foot solider the greatest advancement comes from the fact that technology can help reduce weight of important systems. Body Armor which was originally just steel plates weighed a ton to carry around the battlefield but thanks to improvements in Kevlar and ceramic, they have become the new replacement armor. This not only has cut down on the weight carried by the soldiers but is also better suited to protect them from direct enemy fire than traditional steel. Yet even that pales into comparison of the advancement of the radio. The traditional radio weighed about 40 pounds and couldn’t be drop off the back when a Platoon or Squad ran into enemy contact. Today however the weight has been cut drastically down to just ten pounds allowing for more efficient contact with higher on how the Squad or Platoon should proceed on the mission, or even when they need medevac.

Works Cited

Coburn, Davin. "Land Warrior System: Inside the Pentagon's New High-Tech Gear - Popular Mechanics." Automotive Care, Home Improvement, Tools, DIY Tips - Popular Mechanics. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"FRONTLINE: College, Inc.: Watch the Full Program Online | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"M1A1 / M1A2 Abrams - Main Battle Tank." Army Technology. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

Shachtman, Noah. "The Army's New Land Warrior Gear: Why Soldiers Don't Like It - Popular Mechanics." Automotive Care, Home Improvement, Tools, DIY Tips - Popular Mechanics. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"Taking Aim at Military Technology." Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

"The Phoney Chips That Could Cripple Military Tech - Tech - 07 December 2010 - New Scientist." Science News and Science Jobs from New Scientist - New Scientist. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

Technology In Business Continued

However from a negative perspective, modern business and its communication rely almost too much on technology. For example, business transactions can be done through computers, but computers can crash. Since information is saved in digital servers and archives it is possible to lose  all of this data. There are methods to back up
computers, but still without tangible data it is possible to lose valuable information. 
Also, machinery replaces the skill and talent of workers. Artisans are rare due to technology and thus technology removes the artistic and handmade value of an item. Examples would include masons, glassblowers, and clothing fabric maker. All the products these professionals create are usually now produced by machines. Therefore, machines technically take jobs.
It seems as technology increases, human are less relied on, and computers are replacing the tasks of humans. However some could say the human abilities are more efficient. Humans have the ability to collaborate, and check data and valuable information. Computers simply run by processes, and can not think for themselves. Also, humans have the ability to become vary specialized, and their work can become an art that takes talent. Once again, a computer will simply run in loops and create the same product.

Works Cited
Bui, Nam. "Associated Content." How Computers Affect Our Lives . Yahoo, 13Oct2008. Web. 9 Mar 2011. <>.Vietz, Osmond. 
"The Impact of Technological Change on Business Activity ." Chron Small Business. Demand Media, 2011. Web. 9 Mar 2011. <>.

Technology In Business

Technology and Its Effects on Business
As technology has increased in the past few decades, businesses have become more reliable, efficient, and have even spread across the globe. However, this has caused businesses to almost directly rely on technology too much. Why have most businesses become  so technologically reliant? It is because of the computer and internet. Computers can perform accounting and can manage payroll which cuts cost for small businesses and even major businesses across the globe. Instead of hiring an accountant, a computer can just keep records for the business. Therefore, money is saved and if your a small business owner saving money is essential. 
Also, various applications or software on the computer have increased productivity. These programs can vary from simple programs such as “Microsoft Office” programs to more complex programs such as Pro-Engineer. These tools allow employees to be swift, precise, and even allow employees to display information in a professional manner that can transferred to another computer such as a server or database.
Since information can be transferred instantaneously, businesses now have the ability to spread their services across the globe.Information transfer is usually done through either e-mail, servers, or websites. Cell phones have also aided in technological communication. New smart phones have internet capabilities, and have apps that allow business owners to manage their business when they are not in the office. 
The bottom line is technology helps employees become more efficient because machinery and computer programs can aid them in their work. Also, communication has improved from phones and internet services which has allowed businesses to spread and become faster.  In todays fast pace society, businesses must rely on these technological advances in order to compete and survive in the market.

Works Cited
Bui, Nam. "Associated Content." How Computers Affect Our Lives . Yahoo, 13Oct2008. Web. 9 Mar 2011. <>.Vietz, Osmond. 
"The Impact of Technological Change on Business Activity ." Chron Small Business. Demand Media, 2011. Web. 9 Mar 2011. <>.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Introduction to the Problem

In today's world, there a number of apparent problems that place our society, such as poverty, war, violence, etc. This list can go on and on. One issue, however, that is not addressed nearly as much as it should, and is not really considered much of a problem is society's dependence on technology. More and more people today are becoming reliant on different technologies to manage and control their lives. There are four major aspects of everyday life that have become dependent on some form of technology. These major areas include social, business, military, and educational/academic areas. Social dependence includes constantly checking Facebook and sending/receiving text messages. Some academic technological dependence includes requiring students to doing a majority of work online, as well as having various digitized databases of articles, books, and so forth available in libraries. Even in business today, many companies and individuals are starting e-businesses and participating in e-commerce, which MIS (Management Information Systems) helps business owners obtain market information. However, by doing such activities and others that are similar, we are only becoming more reliant on technology. Each area of this technological dependence has some similar and also different causes and effects that must be addressed with each individual aspect.